5 Signs it’s Time to Relocate to a Bigger Office

Has your office space started to feel cramped and busy? In the early days of your business your space was probably perfectly fit for the job, but as you start to grow, so to do you start to outgrow your office. And if you are already feeling like this, you can bet your employees feel the same. The last thing you want is for your team to feel uncomfortable, after all this can significantly impact their productivity, wellbeing and overall happiness at work.

To avoid this happening we’ve listed the top 5 signs that it’s time for you to relocate to a bigger office space.

Lack of desks

If you’ve reached a point where you have more employees than you do space, then that’s a big old sign that you need to move to a bigger office. Not providing sufficient space for your employees can have hugely negative impacts. Because let’s be real, no one enjoys having to share their personal space, especially for a whole working day.

You should be looking to provide each employee with at least 40 square feet of floor space to ensure their comfort, so if you’ve run out of room to supply this – it’s time to start looking for a space that can accommodate your needs.

Lack of client-friendly spaces

If you have clients visiting your premises you’re likely all too familiar with this one. We all need to impress our clients every now and then. So having a comfortable, spacious room to accommodate them is essential. The catch is that often this room doubles up as a meeting room, which can get booked up way in advance! So not only do you need to ensure your office has enough meeting rooms to keep everyone in the office happy, but you also need to ensure you have an aesthetically-pleasing space that’s available for your clients.

Your storage space is overflowing

As you start to outgrow your office the first thing you might notice is that your storage cupboards are, to put it politely, a mess. Your floorspace starts filling up with stationery, paperwork and filing cabinets that don’t store neatly anymore.

The obvious impacts of an overflowing storage unit is the clutter it creates for your employees. Clutter they have to look at, manoeuvre around and spend time looking through to get to what they want. But this will also impact your clients because nobody wants their client’s first impression of them to be a messy office.

relocate to a bigger office

You’re seeing a decrease in productivity

If you’ve seen a drop in productivity, you might want to take a long look at your office space. A small, cramped office can be hugely distracting and demotivating, which can eventually impact your revenue. And nobody wants that.

Relocating to a bigger office may be the breath of fresh air your team needs to start getting their motivation back. Working in a spacious, organised, aesthetically-pleasing place has been shown to increase employee morale which also promotes an increase in work productivity.

You’re planning to rebrand/hire

If you’re already planning business growth in the form of a rebrand or hiring new members of staff, then considering relocating to a bigger office space should also be on the agenda. Whether we like it or not, people will make judgements about us based on our office space, so perhaps you want to relocate to an impressive office that will massively enhance your brand identity.

Similarly, if you want your team to grow but your current office isn’t going to offer the space your need, or if those extra few team members will be the difference between a comfortable and cluttered office, then you should definitely consider an office relocation.

Consolidated Services are pioneers in the office relocation game and can offer you full project management services down to simple installation. If you’re considering an office relocation, get in touch today to ensure you work with experts in the industry.

2020-03-05T09:43:06+00:00 December 27th, 2019|Office Relocation|0 Comments

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